Race Street Resurfacing Starts August 21

 Resurfacing for Race Street Begins Week of August 21  

Temporary, Full Street Closures and Parking Restrictions Expected   

PHILADELPHIA – Streets Commissioner Carlton Williams announced today that beginning Monday, August 21 there will be temporary street closures and parking restrictions to accommodate resurfacing on Race Street from Broad Street to Benjamin Franklin Parkway (9th Police District). The resurfacing work is expected to be completed by late August.   

Work will be completed in three separate phases – street milling, the adjustment of manhole covers and resetting of utility boxes, and final paving – which will take place in separate activities over the course of the next two weeks. The contractor is anticipated to start milling operations Monday evening. This work is expected to be completed in one night. Resetting utility boxes will start after the milling is complete and will take place during the day. This work is anticipated to take four days to complete. Lastly, paving will take place at night and is anticipated to take one day to complete. The entire process is anticipated to be completed during the week of August 21, weather dependent.  

The paving and milling operations will take place over night 8PM to 5AM, and resetting utility boxes will take pace during the day 7AM to 3PM. The roadways will remain open to traffic with temporary flagging to direct traffic.   

To complete the work, residents should expect some parking restrictions. Temporary “No Parking” signs will be posted in advance of each scheduled activity. Residents are urged to move their cars from the work sites when temporary “No Parking” signs are posted, so that vehicles are not towed. In the event a car is towed, please contact the local Police District to determine its location. Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling around the work areas.  

Residents can stay updated on the progress of their street using the PavePHL tool, the City’s web map paving tracker which allows residents to go online and view the progress of a street scheduled for paving. It is one of the several components housed on theStreetSmartPHL.phila.gov platform which allows the Streets Department to communicate to the public about some of its most prominent and visible core services – paving, permitting, trash and recycling collections and snow.   

While the Streets Department will make every effort to minimize disruption to traffic, residents are urged to plan ahead and use alternative routes when traveling in these areas.  The Streets Department thanks residents in advance for their patience and cooperation as we work to improve city streets.  

This work is being completed by Tony DePaul and Son and is part of the Citywide Resurfacing CW107 project.  The project is being financed with Federal and City funding.  

For more information on the City’sPaving Program visitwww.phila.gov/paving. For information on all city services, call 311.