

David Cardy and Suzanne Dayanim   E-mail:

Disseminating information to the community through the LSNA website, e-mail blasts, and social media.

  • Maintain the Association’s website to ensure timely dissemination of information regarding the neighborhood.
  • Collect e-mail addresses of members and neighborhood business in support of its membership program and general activities.
  • Make all official documents and actions available on the website.
  • Periodically send electronic mail to members, alerting neighbors to information or news relevant to the neighborhood and/or the activities of the Association, including planned civic, ceremonial and commercial activities in the neighborhood.
  • Promote the use of social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram, as well as community bulletin boards in public and residential areas.

Approach to Achieving Objectives
Co-chairs act as point persons for each of the above bulletpoints. We also have ideas of how we can work with new members to this committee to make what we already do more robust.
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