LSNA October 2023 Board Meeting

LSNA Monthly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Community College of Philadelphia (Center of Business & Industry)
1723 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130



6:50 Board Member Sign-In

7:00 Call to Order:

• Quorum Report

• Approval of September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes and Consent Agendas

General Membership Meeting Information:

• Updates and Announcements: Daniel P. McElhatton

• Zoning Committee: No formal report.

• Family Court Redevelopment: PIDC has selected the development team for the project. The National/Frontier team will present to the LSNA Planning & Development Committee in the near future and to the LSNA Board shortly thereafter.

• Update on SLAPP Legislation: SLAPP, Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation – Fire suppression legislation – Sprinkler requirements for condominiums

• LSNA Committee Assignments: Volunteers for Committee assignments, please contact Dan McElhatton at

Updates on Neighborhood Events:

• Halloween Party (50th Annual!): October 31, 2023, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Coxe Park, Drew Murray – Coordinator

• Candidate Forums for Mayoral and Council Candidates: – Unable to be established

• LSNA Block Party held on September 17, 2023 – Thank you to Dennis Boylan, Rich Leimbach, Ed Dougherty and State Representative Amen Brown

• Photo review and neighborhood update

• ATV and Motorcycle Task Force – Recent police seizures

Old Business

New Business

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 14th, 2023, Location TBD
