Take the LSNA Transportation Survey and Give Us Your Thoughts on Transportation-Related Matters

From the LSNA Transportation Committee:

Dear LSNA Residents,

The Transportation Committee is excited to share the first-ever Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) Transportation Survey! This survey is open to all residents of Logan Square, not just LSNA members (link to survey)

The purpose of this survey is to gather resident feedback on transportation related matters and sentiment in Logan Square and identify potential improvements to make getting around the neighborhood safer, more convenient, and more enjoyable for everyone. Completing the survey should take approximately 10 minutes.

The survey will be open until Friday, February 28th, at 5 PM. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Blake Carroll at blake.w.carroll@gmail.com.

The Transportation Committee thanks you in advance for your participation.

Survey Link: https://forms.gle/Ej4JB5gMszyrp4RP6


LSNA Transportation Committee